Bowling refers to a series of sports or leisure activities in which a player rolls or throws a bowling ball towards a target. It is one of the major forms of throwing sports. In pin bowling variations, the target is usually to knock over pins at the end of a lane. When all the pins are knocked down on the first roll, this is a strike. In target variations, the aim is usually to get the ball as close to a mark as possible.
2013- Champion in 3-6-9 tournament
2016 - Champion in Scotch doubles tournament
President Amy Chan Contact:0178892345
Secretary Angela Contact:0166638293
2nd Secretary Brenda Lim Contact:01098765432
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday : 5:00pm-7:00pm
Sunday : 4:00pm- 6:00pm
Increase fee price
Fee price will be increase by RM5 from 1/1/2017 onward. Total will be RM20.