
Hi! Welcome to me mini personal website. Meow!


My name is Lim Min Yi. Most of my friends call me Rachel for short, and it is probably easier to remember. I am a IT student and currently studying in Asia Pacific University. I am a Malaysia, and a person who has high passion in coding. One of my dreams is to master all of the programming language and become one of the TOP programmers in the world, and now I am working toward it!


I am a CAT LOVER. I love cat so much, everytime I saw a cat I can't control myself and I want to touch them. They are so fluffy, they have cute paws, their's adorable eyes can't make you to stop looking at them!


Do feel free to find me. You'll find my social media accounts at the lower section of this website. Since I am a programmer, all programmers should have a stack overflow account, do feel free to stalk.


Saw my steam account? Wondering why I would put that as a social media account? I love the game Left 4 Dead 2, do invite me to play together. About the Dota 2....my boyfriend was using my account to play, he would be glad playing with you!